Tag Archives: RNAse H1

RNA modifications can affect RNase H1-mediated PS-ASO activity

Thanks to decades of work, we have a great deal of detailed knowledge about how various chemical modifications of a PS ASO can affect hybridization to target RNAs and how those modifications affect the interactions of the heteroduplex with RNAseH1, including binding, catalytic rate and sites of cleavage of the target RNA. However, it is now clear that cellular RNAs may be modified post-transcriptionally with … Continue reading RNA modifications can affect RNase H1-mediated PS-ASO activity »

Effects of PS ASOs on the conformations of RNAse H1 and P54.

Nucleic Acid Research Journal

Over the past several years, my group has systematically identified cellular proteins that bind PS ASOs, defined the roles of many of the proteins bound by PS ASOs, assessed the effects of PS ASO binding on those proteins and developed a thorough appreciation of the biochemistry of PS ASO protein interactions. We have also shown that PS ASO induce the formation of numerous PS ASO/protein/RNA … Continue reading Effects of PS ASOs on the conformations of RNAse H1 and P54. »